Welcoming Our Ascension To 5D
An Activating And Awakening 4-Week Journey To Create A New Earth & Unity Consciousness
Welcoming Our Ascension To 5D // A 4-Week Journey
An Activating And Awakening Journey To Create A New Earth & Unity Consciousness
A 4-Week Course With Felicity Weston
Entering The Void
Welcoming Our Evolution & Creating A Bridge To The 5th Dimension
Honouring The Sacred Triangle
Living In 5th Dimensional Spirituality Here on Mother Earth
Full details of our exploration journey below...
Being a human starseed right now is particularly tough, as we journey through the extremities of a collective awakening. An awakening that has been brewing and bubbling for a long time, we are now being met with the crumbling of the old and un-serving.
But let us remember great creation begins with destruction!
Though I am in absolute trust this 'process' is for our greater good, and the global ascension we have been unconsciously waiting for - there is no doubt the journey is somewhat uncomfortable!
But let us remember, growth and change is never comfortable, nor is it supposed to be!
Shadows are coming right to surface, shadows perhaps we thought we had dealt with.
We are being triggered and activated, and it is causing much inner conflict.
Though this is deeply uncomfortable for many of us (if not all of us!), it is happening because we are slowly shifting out of 3D density and into 5D.
5D Consciousness is a return to the heart-centre, a return to love and unity.
We have nothing to fear - quite the opposite, but in order to fully open to love, we must release any blocks we have built up around our heart-space along our journey - the shadow we have been met with is our invitation to heal these blocks, and the grief and pain we have felt in our lifetime, and beyond. So we can emerge in peace, and ascend fully into the vibration of love.
Truth be told, we came to Planet Earth to feel all, and so we are being called (forced!) to delve deeper into our emotions. We are being drawn to focus our gaze inwards, to create the change needed within - yet our response sometimes can be to blame our external environment, our situation, or other people (anything outside of us!). We are seeing so much finger-pointing in the world right now, and while some may feel just, none of it is coming from unity consciousness.
We are seeing such great divide right now, in many ways we have come even further from unity than ever, and although I trust everything is happening as it should, the message coming through right now from the Arcturians is to come back to the heart. For this to happen, we need to truly meet our ego - which in one sense is simply the fearful child we haven’t healed.
Our mission isn't necessarily to transcend the ego, but rather become companions.
I have been asked to create this supportive journey to guide us through this deeply transformative time, and towards truly welcoming our ascension.
We will be journeying within deep energetic portals - opening the journey on November’s Full Moon in Gemini, and closing on the incredibly potent Winter Solstice in ceremony for rebirth - with a New Moon Solar Eclipse between the two - OOF!!
This is a one-time journey as it for the energies of the NOW - and thus, the only time I will be sharing it!
It feels unbelievably important right now - especially for the sensitive beings who are feeling oh so much - the empaths, the starseeds, healers and lightworkers who are feeling deeply affected by the collective energies.
Please know, you are being called!
You are needed more than ever to keep holding the light and spreading the message of love, peace and unity.
I have been asked to make this journey accessible and so I am offering it at an exchange of £111 for the entire journey, with all the extras!
There are no pre-requisites to join - just a calling to flow with the universal energies and to living in love.
Are you ready to journey with me and create our New Earth, together?
Let’s Do This!
The Details…
When Is The Course Running?
Monday 30th November - Monday 21st December 2020
With a ceremony each Monday for 4 weeks!
What’s Included?
This offering is held ONLINE
All ceremonies are held via Zoom - and are recorded for those who cannot make the lives
4 Online Zoom Ceremonies (1 Each Week - Mondays 7pm GMT)
* Recorded for those who cannot make the time
1 Workbook A Week
Daily Ritual to support your journey
Optional 4-Week Cacao Dieta (for heart-healing)
A support network for all beings on the course via a private Facebook Group
A couple of surprise treats!
What Can I Expect?
As a ceremony & space holder I am fully committed to tuning into the moment within ceremony, and the days leading up to it - in full trust of what channels through me - so I share the following topics fairly loosely.
It is the Arcturian Star Beings who have asked me to share this journey, and they will be working through me for each ceremony, along with other star beings and guides.
(Story below on their contact & message!)
The Sacred Healing Ceremonies will include Cacao, Journaling, Movement, Breathwork and Ritual Practices, and Light Code Transmissions.
Each week you will be given journaling homework (workbooks) and practical rituals to support your journey.
Week 1 // Full Moon Opening Ceremony // Entering The Void
Breaking Open
Growing Through & Releasing Our Comforts
Welcoming Change
Leaning Into & Healing Pain & Grief
Week 2 // Sacred Healing Ceremony // Welcoming Our Evolution & Creating A Bridge To The 5th Dimension
Inviting The 4 Pillars Of The Future:
Honour, Respect, Compassion & Love
Week 3 // New Moon Solar Eclipse Ceremony // Honouring The Sacred Triangle
Activating The Crown & Third Eye: Welcoming Light Codes Of Ascension
Remembering Our Mission
Week 4 // Winter Solstice Rebirth Ceremony // Living In 5th Dimensional Spirituality Here on Mother Earth
(Within Potent Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction!)
Leaving The Past Behind, Welcoming Our Rebirth With The Return Of Light
Other Topics To Be Explored & Interweaved:
- Learning To Love Polarity
- Acknowledging The Importance Of All
- Creating Stability & Laying New Foundations
- Acknowledging The Beauty Of Sacrifice
- Releasing Complacency & Taking Responsibility (While Honouring Cycles!)
- Returning Our Earth To Love
- Procreation & Manifestation
- Remembering Our Strength
What Is The Energy Exchange?
How do I book?
Via Eventbrite here:
You can also book via Paypal:
If paying via Paypal please ensure you send via friends and family!
Please do email me with any questions via hello@ookushana.com
I CANNOT WAIT to journey together!
With all my love,
Felicity xx

Arcturian Light Codes Of Peace, Unity & Love
Arcturian Messages of Peace, Love & Unity ✌🏼
I was blessed enough to receive an energy healing from my dear friend Katie recently, and not only was it super nourishing and activating, but I was greeted by some star beings. I recognised them on a soul level of course, but I couldn't place their origin, and nothing was coming through with absolute clarity, apart from they were coming to let me know they are working through me - I knew this because of the way they communicated with me!
They were light blue, with large 'heads' and two visible 'fingers' - and their communication language was purely through movement with these two fingers. I recognised the language as it is how I often channel light through my own hands - they create what always feels like a peace sign (those of you who have witnessed my channelling through sight will know!)
Over the past week I've devoted myself to ritual & opening my channel for something I knew to be extremely important - something that has forced me from all other work and offerings!
And yesterday my mission became clear, to offer a supportive journey for us to welcome our ascension to 5D.
That night I was called to pick up my 11/11 book on a random page for some guidance (a personal favourite ritual when it comes to seeking guidance) and I opened up on a page about Arcturians & them coming to help us with our ascension to 5D.
I had forgotten all about this, until I was called to ask beautiful soul paul, who took us on a Spiritual Tour of the energetic portals of Mount Shasta earlier this year, if he recognised the beings I described from my healing experience. To which he replied - "I feel they are Arcturians in higher dimensions 7th & 9th. They appear white sometimes with galaxy eyes and blue energy, I had a client yesterday describing the same beings and asking me the same question! So beautiful the confirmation"
My entire body was quivering on receiving this! I honestly hope I never lose the incredible feeling I receive when I witness the magic of the universe, the magic that is.
Of course I immediately shared the beauty with Josie, who had also been receiving guidance from Arcturians, and we both remembered the first healing Josie ever gave me, she had said she had felt Arcturians trying to work with me!
It's safe to say, you have my attention Arcturian Star Family, I am listening and I will continue to share your message of peace, love and unity with absolute honour & respect.
I have also just noticed I am channelling the peace sign to the sky in the picture I used for the course cover! Before I even knew what was going on...
Ahhh life! You are pretty special sometimes!
So the Arcturian's will be working through me for my upcoming 4-Week Journey "Welcoming Our Ascension to 5D".
I have learned Arcturus is known to act as a Spiritual Gateway between Planet Earth and higher levels of consciousness - and they are bringing what is needed for humanity to ascend into pure heart and unity consciousness
The beauty of these beings, and the reason they are coming to aid our transition, is because they understand the need for baby steps towards divine realisation, so we may be continually inspired, intrigued & activated, while preventing us from overwhelm and burn out from too much light coming at once. So much gratitude for the unseen helpers right now! We are so supported 🙏🏼
I am in awe right now. I cannot wait to journey through this ascension with you, and the arcturians !!