Oftentimes it is the thing(s) we resist that we need the most🙏🏼
So let us ask ourselves, on the 1st day of the 11th month - a day which signifies a return to darkness in our outer
🌟What is it that scares me? What makes me feel uncomfortable? What triggers me? What takes me out of my comfort zone?🌟
Write it down.
THIS, or embracing this, is what holds the most medicine for you.
The magic elixir that can set you free.
Let's take a deep inhale of courage & step in. Without rushing... but continually pushing self-created boundaries that feel to keep us safe.
In truth it is fear that keeps us stuck... not safe. Let us not allow fear to prevent us from truly living... truly being in the moment.
Behind our fears are our greatest gifts & our truest self...
Here I am at the summit of Black Butte, looking over to Mount Shasta - The Root Chakra of the Earth.
It is the Root Chakra that, when blocked or imbalanced, can lead to fear... and fears show up in the strangest of places sometimes... they may be very subtle or absolutely life-controlling.
One thing is certain - we all have them.
The opposite of fear is trust...
And trust feels to be so much harder than it should be in this world.
If we struggle to trust... let us ask ourselves, what fear is connected to this lack of trust?
Where does this fear originate?
What is the source of this fear?
Is it mine? Or a learned behaviour?
Or is it the result of an experience?
Then go into it... sit with it.
Embrace it. Heal it.
The truth is we only need trust the process.
Not a thing, not a situation, or a person.
Simply that everything that is, and everything that happens - or "could" happen, is what is meant.
It is far easier to trust the process when everything is going swimmingly. The real test is trusting when everything seems to be crumbling around us.
Let us remember, it is earthquakes that create mountains.
With love always, Felicity